Sunday, May 5, 2013

Man shall not live by facebook alone.

Today I had service, it was good. Led the kid's worship and listened to sermon regarding the rich man who earned the world and God says tonight I will take your soul, what good be it to you. Indeed, our life is not for us to collect-them-all, or anything like that. But rather, we were created to seek for happiness. Since our heart is insatiable infinitely, the only thing or person that satisfies our heart fully is God Himself, because He is infinitely wonderful. We were made to enjoy God. When we are most satisfied in God, He is most glorified. That is our fundamental purpose for living. Anyway, saw this interesting post at, by John Piper. It truly addresses the problems of people nowadays. Do take some time to read it. :)

Are apps a threat to God-focus? Yes. But it works both ways. Fight fire with fire.
If you are reading your Bible on your computer or your smartphone or your iPad, the presence of the email app and the news apps and the Facebook app threaten every moment to drag your attention away from the word of God.
True. Fight that. If your finger offends you, cut it off. Or use any other virtuous violence that sets you free to rivet your soul on God.

"From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it." Matthew 11:12

But don’t take mainly a defensive posture. Fight fire with fire.
Why should we think of the Facebook app threatening the Bible app? Why not the Bible app threatening the Facebook app, and the email app, and the RSS feeder, and the news?
Resolve that today you will press the Bible app three times during the day. No five times. Ten times! Maybe you will lose control and become addicted to Bible! Again and again get a two-minute dose of life-giving Food. Man shall not live by Facebook alone.I’m serious. Never has God’s voice been so easily accessible. The ESV Bible is free. The Olive tree bible reader is free. And so are lots of others. Let the Bible threaten your focus. Or better: Let the Bible bring you back to reality over and over during the day.