29 November
Bible verse: 2 Timothy 2 : 1 - 26
Daily devotion:Have you ever considered how a come in the past, a few hundred first century Christians managed to saturate the entire known world with the message of Christ? Think about how amazing that accomplishment is. They had no telephones, talk shows, copiers, cable, OHP, microchips, planes, internet and no microphone. They did it without concert, billboards ro bumper stickers and without tracts or television. How is it that so few with so little could make such a huge difference back then, and so many with so much make so little difference today?
In our technological era, its easy to lose sight of the intimate nature of the gospel. We tend to think tht we are being productive as long as we have blazing fast computers and can pull of slick worship services. However, we must not forget a crucial truth: the Christian faith thrives and grows best in the context of personal relationships. What do you think was Jesus's plan of reaching the world with the Good News of God's love and forgiveness? He chose disciples and poured His life into them. The apostle paul likewise, , taught Timothy all he knew and instructed Timothy to take the message and pass it on to a reliable disciple, a man or woman obligated to share what others had taught us.