Monday, November 24, 2008

6th post.

Sunday. Morning went to have BK breakfast. Then went to Elvis's uncle's church to see see. It was quite alright. Sermon was good. It was about the employer and employee ties. Hmm. We can serve God even not in His ministry. Our daily work, do it like your boss is the God. We are all redeemed with Jesus's precious blood. We are all His people. We work for him, knowing that your God is also your employer's God. There is only one God. God put us in different places for different purposes. So we should work hard no matter what work we are working as. So as to glorify God. I feel very sorry to the Lord. I wasted a year, not properly studying. Got myself retain. Put the name of the Lord to shame. I must work hard next year. It is for God that I study! :D Oh ya. After see seeing the Elvis's uncle's church, I "crossed over" to my church! xD I was the lead singer for the day. When I see that the church do not sing with joy, I felt abit disheartened. But I will not quit! I'll try to think of how I can improve to help lead the church! Brothers and sisters reading this, do pray for me. :D
November 24

Bible verse: 2 Thessalonians 1 : 8

Daily devotion: Warning: Do Not Proceed Beyond This Point! Signs, they are important for our health and safety. There are serious consequnces for people who do not observe signs. In the same way, there are serious consequences for not knowing God, for not listening to His Good News! Read about it in 2 Thessalonians 1 : 8. If you know God, then be comforted that you are heading the right direction! If you do not know Him as your Lord and Savior, then Warning : Do Not Proceed Beyond This Point! Signs are important, to people who see it and also people who don't. If you see it, do share it with your friends and relatives, lest they proceed and get themselves in danger! 

" They will pay the penalty by being destroyed forever, by being seperated from the Lord's presence and from His glorious power." 2 Thessalonians 1 : 9